Rules of Participation
1: Purpose of the challenge
Don Bosco Care invites young people participating in Transition Year throughout Ireland to take part in our challenge keeping the following aims in mind:
To promote and highlight the work of Don Bosco Care as an organisation.
To allow students work towards their Gaisce Bronze Award by taking part in TY Cares as their Community Involvement Challenge.
To raise funds for Don Bosco Care to provide a safe and secure environment for the young people in their care.
To provide TY students with a unique chance to enhance their business acumen, participate in a positive, humanitarian way for others less fortunate and work together as a team while having a fun and an enjoyable experience.
2: Application and Closing Deadline
The TY Cares challenge is open for application from 01 April 2017 and closes for entries on 17 January 2018.
The final date for submission of completed challenges will be 19 April 2018
Only projects submitted through the online form will be accepted.
3: Participation requirements
TY Cares is open for entry to those taking part in transition year commencing September 2017.
Participants must have written permission from their Year Head/Coordinator communicated to Don Bosco Care by email to before entries can be accepted
Participants can apply in groups of 5 to 10 students. If there is a requirement for a larger group please have your Year Head/Coordinator contact Don Bosco Care.
Entries must take a minimum of 13 weeks at 1 hour of work per student per week to qualify for inclusion in the Community Involvement Challenge. Online time logging will be available to ensure this rule is adhered to.
All work will be submitted through a special Google Classroom site where documents and tools will be available for download. Access passwords will be provided to all teams from Monday 24 September 2017.
4: Selection process
The winner of TY Cares will be selected based on the following criteria:.
a) Innovation: The judges will look for fundraising projects/events that are new and unique.
b) Amount Raised: The value of the overall profit donated to Don Bosco Care.
c) Overall Presentation: This will take into account the planning, use of social media, web content, documentation and the final production of the project or event.
The decision of the jury is final. The jury reserves a right to reject any entry that does not comply with the requirements of the competition.
5: Prize
The winners will be named Don Bosco Care School of the Year and will be presented with a trophy at a ceremony hosted by the charity at the end of the school year.
6: Copyright
Don Bosco Care reserves the right to reproduce the contributed material for presentation, media and promotional purposes.
7: Photographs
At registration, schools must outline whether or not photos and and event promotional materials may be used by Don Bosco Care.
8: Responsibility
Don Bosco Care cannot be held responsible for the cancellation, postponement or modification of the competition due to unforeseen circumstances. It is highly recommended not to wait until the last minute to complete applications.
It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that proper permissions where required are sought and obtained (eg Garda permission) for events, raffles etc.
It is also the responsibility of the school to ensure that proper insurance is in place for students and participants taking part in events.